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Travel & Attractions

Why I Love to Cruise: 5 Reasons YOU Will Too!!!

Hello all, it’s Crystal here!Why I Love to Cruise: 5 Reasons YOU Will Too!!!


With summer in full swing I can’t help but think of vacationing. And my new favorite way to vacation is a cruise!
If you have never been on one before I’m going to give you my top 5 reasons why I love to cruise.
  #1 One price for everything. Your room, food and entertainment are a one stop shop therefore you don’t have to do tons of research to figure out how much dough you will need to save up. Of course don’t forget to calculate the costs of getting to port and back. But if you prepay gratuities and research your cruise line of choice there really aren’t any surprises.

#2 Fun destinations! Who hasn’t secretly or not so secretly, as in my case, wished of traveling to other countries? I love to go to new countries and see how they live. It’s very inspiring. I tend to come home with a new outlook on life.

Why I Love to Cruise: 5 Reasons YOU Will Too!!!

 #3 Step outside that box!
When I go new places I like to find at least one way to step outside my comfort zone and try new things. On a cruise there are tons of ways to do that. I sampled new foods. Some were very good, others were not so much. Haha! If you have never been on a cruise make it a priority to eat in the dining room at least once.  But it’s really the highlight of the ship in my opinion. The food is wonderful and at times exotic. The best part is, you can order all you want! Another way to challenge yourself is with excursions.  My two best friends went parasailing on the beach of Cozumel. I’ll tell you one of them had a blast. The other was a good sport while we laughed at the video of her totally freaking out.
Why I Love to Cruise: 5 Reasons YOU Will Too!!!#4 The scenery. Have you ever watched the sun set over the ocean? It’s beautiful. The waters in the Carribean and Mexico are so clear. You can see the fishies as they swim around you. If you love to take pictures like I do, then you will love all the photo ops you can get while on a cruise and in ports.

  #5 Busy, Busy, Busy! There’s always something to do on a cruise. Even if it’s just eating. The food is everywhere and it’s so yummy. The pools are a hot spot, and the shows are super fun. I caught a couple comedians, some Broadway type shows, and even hit up the casino just for fun. I played a whopping $12 haha! There are tons of other activities as well and they occur all day and into the night.
Here is a bonus #6..I love getting dressed up to go to diner each night. As a stay at home mom/writer I don’t get many chances to do that. There is one or two nights depending on the length of your cruise that is fancy wear night. That one was the most fun. Get dressed early and pop down to all the photo ops to have your picture taken!
Why I Love to Cruise: 5 Reasons YOU Will Too!!!
Photo Opp from Fancy Night!

Why I Love to Cruise: 5 Reasons YOU Will Too!!!

I’m ready to set sail today after that, how about you?
If you would like more information about cruising sound off in the comments below. I have lots more information that I can give you.
I would also like to hear what you love to do on vacation, or your favorite things about cruising if you have been.
Check out this sleep mask for the ride to your cruise!

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