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Media Kit

Hello All!  Welcome to our Zoo!  My name is Kaycee and I am the Zoo Keeper around here.  That is, I keep the house, the family, finances and the blog.

A Little About Me & The Zoo

My educational background is in Child Development and Psychology.  Many of my posts reflect my love for both child development and psychology.  That background helps me both in my everyday life and in my posts. I am active in two Masonic organizations: the Order of the Eastern Star, which supports community, service dogs and various other charities, and Daughter’s of the Nile, which supports Shriner’s Children’s Hospitals.

At this point in my life, I have been married for 13 years, we have adopted a child who has since moved away, married and had 2 babies of her own. We had a baby who was too perfect for this world, so there is a lot written about dealing with grief and depression around the Zoo. Life continues and we must also.

I live with Narcolepsy and cataplexy, so that brings many adventures as well. Hence my amazing service dog, Duke!

My Crafty Zoo was started in February of 2011 as a creative outlet and has grown to be an eclectic mix of life.  While I love posting reviews and giveaways, we also have many other types of posts to appeal to many people and keep us all entertained. It has evolved into what I deem as ‘All Things Life.’ I wouldn’t want my site any other way.


Zoo Patrons

Crafty Zoo tries to appeal to as many people as possible with a focus on family.  We try to appeal to everyone and I guess we are doing a good job as our awesome patrons seem to be split at almost half women and half men!  I love that!  Age varies, though it’s relative anyway, isn’t it?

I have readers varying from teenagers on up to the young at heart.  My blog is growing quickly and reader potential grows daily.  If you are interested in partnering with me to host and promote, please contact me anytime! I would love to team up!  Statistics and exact numbers of followers are available upon request, though they change too often for me to maintain updates.

Product Reviews:

As you probably know, 58% of people name the media as their favorite forms of content.  One statistic states that Mothers control over $2.1 trillion dollars of buying power, as well as 85% control of the buying power in their households.  

I am open to reviewing most anything, though if it is not family friendly it will be toned down in order to protect the innocence of the Monkeys that look over our shoulders!  No x rated or questionable pictures or words will ever be posted.

Post times will vary, though if you’d like it posted for a specific date, I can generally do so per requests as long as it is known initially.  All products sent to the Crafty Zoo are our property. We do not accept products for loan, return products nor do we pay for them. This includes shipping charges.

All reviews will be promoted on various media outlets such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, G+ and others.  Companies will be tagged in post titles upon request.

Often I will utilize my own photographs for the review although I request the right to occasionally use product photographs from your site as well as product descriptions.  All pictures taken by me are my own intellectual property and are not to be used without proper citation via a link to my website.

Due to there being no charge for reviews, products reviewed must have a minimum of $25 value.  Utilizing the product is in compensation for the time and effort to promote your site/product, hosting a giveaway as well as obtaining winner information.  In return, your product/site will be shared with thousands of potential consumers.  To protect my readers, all reviews will be honest presenting any pros or cons that appear.  This is to protect the trust my readers have in me as well as ensure readers know that a product is worth their time and patronage.

Please Contact for Advertising Rates 

Sponsored Guest/Contributed Posts:
This blog accepts contributed posts from brands and other professionals, provided they align with this blog’s content and values. Contributed posts start at $50-100.
Guest/contributed posts can include links to products as well as affiliate links (links will be “nofollow”). I reserve the right to add my affiliate links.
I also reserve the right to edit the post language as necessary for clarity and alignment with this blog’s values.
Contributed sponsored posts will be labeled with a contributed or guest post note as well as labeled with an FTC sponsored disclosure.
Contributed content becomes property of the blog. This means failure to pay will result in the links being edited out of the published post.

Per FTC  and Google TOS paid links must be no follow. END OF DISCUSSION.

Contact Information

Kaycee at [email protected]

Giveaway Policy

  1. Winners have 48 hours to respond to notification via email or blog post.  After that, a new winner will be chosen.
  2. Winners are chosen at random, odds of winning varies by number of entries and entrants.
  3. Crafty Zoo with Monkeys is not responsible for shipping prizes, unless otherwise noted, and therefore holds no liability beyond notifying the sponsor.
  4. All entries will be verified, no exceptions.  Mandatory entries must be complete in order to win.

All content, pictures, etc are property of Crafty Zoo with Monkeys, unless otherwise noted. No copyright infringement is intended. Ever.  Please do not copy the content of my blog, with the exception being to promote this site.

Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from 1 January 2020

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact [email protected].

This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.

The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers’ own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified.

To get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org

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