2018 Spring Gift Guide
We have come together to build an amazing guide of Spring Essentials! We hope that you’ll enjoy it and come back for new products and giveaways that will be posted throughout this beautiful time of year!
Our Warriors that have been working so hard include Kaycee at My Crafty Zoo and Julie at Fab Working Mom Life. I am personally grateful for their hard work and dedication in bringing you such great products and giveaways! We will have new stuff all season!
Spring is finally here! There are no words to describe just how wonderful this is to me! So sick of winter weather, darkness and all the things that come with S.A.D. This year, the ladies that make up Social Media Warriors have come together to bring you our favorite products for Spring! Spring brings new life and new growth, we had to find new products to go with it!
April Showers have been heavy this year, so I’m hoping May Flowers are amazing! These boots have been a life saver with with all this rain! They are amazingly comfortable and even walking through puddles my feet stay dry! Check out the Lugz Theta‘s, you’ll be loving them too! They come in black as well if you prefer, but they are so easy to clean it really doesn’t matter if you get the lighter color! Check out my review here. 

Don’t Ever Look Behind Door 32! may be one of my absolute favorite kid’s books! In my opinion, it kicks Dr. Suess right out of the running! I know, hard to believe. Probably wouldn’t have believed me either, as I loved Dr. Suess but… I’m absolutely crazy about it! So much so that I came up with some lessons you can teach your little one using the book! Even grownups have fun reading it! *I didn’t want to put it down!* Read the full review!

Get 20% Off Entire Cart Of Gifts! With so many adorable products, I sort of went crazy. My favorite is the Scented Secret Scrapbook, what little girl doesn’t love ponies? Check out this link to get the code then shop like crazy! Shop for me, I’ve been temporarily banned! It was fun while it lasted! Bahahaha….