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Book Reviews

Far Beyond the Sun: Fun Educational Adventure Story for Kids

Far Beyond the Sun is an adorable story for children. Inspired by the imagination of a child, it takes us on an fun (yet educational) little journey as Brian sets out to be taller than the sun.

Far Beyond the Sun: Fun Educational AdventureIf you’ve gone through my Children’s Book List, there are many that I just love and have enjoyed sharing with various nieces, nephews, my grandsons and other babies that visit. There’s something so magical about the love of stories in children. Their imaginations aren’t limited by reality and it’s beautiful to me. There are so many wonderful story books there, some fiction some factual but all are entertaining.

The author, father of a very inquisitive little girl, takes inspiration from the endless questions that come from the wonderful mind of his little princess. The questions little ones ask are always fun to hear but sometimes they are downright difficult to answer. That line between keeping their attention and teaching them new things can sometimes be difficult to manage. Plus, no one wants to take away their innocence with the harsh realities of life.

Along with the review copy that I was sent was a brief thank you for reviewing and the background of the inspiration for the story. Dolev said that he’d taken his daughter camping and she proceeded, as children often do, to throw a ton of questions his way. When asking if she could be taller than the sun, he was struck by inspiration. That’s how Far Beyond the Sun came about.

Far Beyond the Sun: Fun Educational Adventure for KidsAbout the Book

Brian wants to be taller than the sun but is not sure how? His journey will take you through the tallest places on earth while looking for an answer. After almost losing all hope, he finds an unexpected way to go beyond the sun in the attic above his bedroom.

The description on Amazon says that it is recommended by teachers and fits the curriculum for k-2 grades but I feel like it would be a fun book as early as 3 1/2-4 years old. At that time they may not quite understand the totality of distance and such, but then again as an adult I honestly can’t picture what the tallest mountain would look like in person either. I’ve never been good with distance!

The author, Dolev Zaharony, is a tech marketer by day and both a writer and musician by night. He began his writing after the birth of his first child, as they provide him with endless inspiration. As a parent, he utilizes that inspiration to tell his children stories to uplift them and help them overcome life obstacles. In Far Beyond the Sun, he sneaks in a little geography, science (the solar system), history and spacial references to help educate while having fun. (Every parent’s goal, right?)



Hi all! My name is Kaycee. I am now learning to navigate life as a single woman. Turns out, it's not all about husband and children. Who knew? So, I'm on a journey of self discovery. I have 5 children, 3 of which are married, 5 2 are in Heaven (my beautiful baby Acadia Reign and my Diva Princess Tara Elizabeth), and 7 grandchildren! Plus, a ton of fabulous nieces and nephews! My educational background is in Psychology and Child Development but my heart is in ministry, crafts, fun, reviews and my website, My Crafty Zoo. Or at least it was, now I'm learning who I really am, beneath all of the busy family life. It's an adventure to be sure. I look forward to continuing to share my life through word and pictures with you and love hearing your feedback! Thank you for taking the time to read and allowing me to share! I look forward to reading your comments!

24 thoughts on “Far Beyond the Sun: Fun Educational Adventure Story for Kids

  • Tammy Pereira

    I love that the book touches on a child’s imagination and mindset! It is so true that they ask they most random questions that sometimes I just do not have the answer for. The funniest question I have ever been asked is what is my second favorite color, because anyone would ask me about my first but only someone who cares about me would ask me about my second!

    • That may be one of the sweetest reasons for a question ever!

  • I was once asked if I was born in 1776, lol.

  • LeAnn Harbert

    I like the bright colors that catch kids attention. My boys and granddaughters always had lots of questions about all of the animals on our farm.

  • I love this book and would give it to my cousin! I haven’t had a child ask me anything too crazy.

      • Nikki B

        The wildest thing a kid said was ” how can you he be your son hes blonde blue eyed and your brunette and brown eyed!

        • Oh, the temptation to respond with sarcasm must’ve been strong! haha

  • cindy legg

    my lil sister asked me one time when she was a child why the skies are blue i had no answer i wish i had internet back then to google it lol i want to see this book it looks cute.

    • haha! I think that question is a classic! Sometimes I wish we’d had google back in the day, then other times I wish we didn’t have it now. Seems like life was so much more simple before!

  • Christa Bengtsson

    The wildest thing a child ever asked was if my oldest was adopted. I laughed and said no.

    • haha! I think siblings always think the others (or at least the ones they don’t remember being born) had to be adopted, otherwise they surely wouldn’t be driving them crazy. Kids are funny.

  • I like the simplicity of the illustrations in this book. Bold colors and lines.

    Funniest thing a child ever asked me off the top of my head is the time my oldest asked me what flavor frosting I was getting for my hair after he heard me talking about going to the salon to get my hair frosted.

    • Oh, that’s a good one! Hadn’t heard it before! What flavor frosting did ya tell him? I can’t resist answering silly questions with silly answers from time to time. It’s just too much fun!

  • Carolsue

    I craziest thing my kid asked me was, “If you had a brain transplant, would you be a different person?” Actually, maybe not so crazy. I said I didn’t know, but I thought you would be the same person.

    • That is a crazy one! Definitely a fun exercise for the imagination. Like, maybe we would be a genius or become some other type of professional. I’ve always been interested in those things, but I think it’s even more fun to go into the creative side and imagine silly things!

  • Lynne Foster

    My grandson asked me once if the wind could blow a leaf around the world!

    • haha! Have you seen the report about the rubber duck they set across the ocean? Bet he’d be interested in that one!

  • Pamela

    It sounds like a fun story! My son once asked – if the earth moves, why can’t I feel it? My answer – ask daddy, he would enjoy explaining it!!

    • Girl, I’m the same! The big questions are for Daddy to explain! I’d rather stick to the silly side of things.

      • Kristyn Martin

        My son asked me the age old where babies come from question when he was very little. He always had lots of wild questions!

  • Ken Ohl

    I have to say this old saying was very hard to hear asking me where babies come from stops you in your tracks

    • Yes it does! It’s so hard to know what to answer, if you answer it correctly they’ll have a million more questions, innocence is shattered AND there’s a good chance you’ll be meeting with teachers when they educate their classmates! haha. BUT, on the flip side, what exactly does one say? I have yet to have the answer. Mine is usually to change the subject and get them distracted. Shameful tactic, but it works!


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