Penguin and Moose: Flying Friendship Tale
Penguin and Moose are the best of friends. When Penguin decides he must fly, just has to, who better to help than his wonderful friend Moose? Don’t miss their adventure, after all, have you ever seen a penguin fly?
This fun little book is certainly a great read and will, by far, entertain every kid within hearing distance! There’s something special about an adult reading with enthusiasm and wonder to curious children. I love seeing the excitement on their faces at our voice inflections, especially when they get so excited they are leaning forward so they don’t miss a single piece of the adventure. These are the things that make reading to little ones the most fun for me.
If you are interested in other fun books that we’ve reviewed, you can check them out on our Books & Films Page. Some of my personal favorites are Maya Angelou: Little People, Big Dreams, The Adventures of Pajama Girl, and Don’t Ever Look Behind Door 32. These are just a few of my favorites, all of my reviews are honest so if ya want the truth on a book review, you’ve found the right place. I will lie for no one. Plus, it’s not really beneficial now is it?
Of course, it’s not about us grown-ups, is it? There are articles, studies and so much more anywhere you look that speaks to the benefit of reading to children. Of course, if you have ever taken care of a child in any capacity, you don’t have to read them to know that it helps them exponentially. In just the three months that we had the privilege of spending with our 3 year old grandson, I saw a tremendous amount of development in his speech. Speech therapy is not my area in the least, but I knew speaking to him all the time using actual words and reading to him would help. Unfortunately, they bailed and I don’t know if he’ll get help with his speech before a school puts him in much needed therapy. Prayers welcome and appreciated, but we’ll move on.
Penguin and Moose: A Tale of Friendship, Determination and Acceptance
Having a background in child development and psychology, I absolutely loved this little story. When Penguin decides he just has to learn how to fly, surely Moose knew he would never be able to. His father, being updated on the adventure, definitely knew. Yet they continue on with encouragement and happy determination.
You can imagine the outcome of the experiment, but what you do not know is how it was handled. That strong, harsh disappointment of inability could have led to a harsh place of sadness but with their friendship it did not. Instead of just being upset or angry, the story takes these two friends in a new direction where they were able to find success and have fun. It seems like that’s a piece of life we all need to learn: to redirect ourselves and find a new joy when life seems to fail us.
In this story, there is a true friendship, determination, failure, redirection and success. All in one, easy to read little adventure. It can easily be imagined that Penguin and Moose are going to become very well adjusted adults one day. They’ll be able to roll with the punches and have healthy self esteem.
From this story, I find myself being reminded that just because something doesn’t work out that I just knew I had to have or do, doesn’t mean it was a failure. To accept those things as adventure and keep on trucking.
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Book Description From the Publisher:
In Penguin and Moose by Hannah C. Hall, Penguin has a big problem—he doesn’t know how to fly! Penguin and his friend Moose try everything they can think of to help, but no matter how hard they try, nothing helps. At the end of the day, a tired and disappointed Penguin realizes that he has something better than the ability to fly: a friend that supports and loves him no matter what. Recommended for ages 4 to 8 years.
This sounds like it would be a good book to teach kids how to be a good friend.
I would love to have this to read to the little ones I babysit.
I really like these! There are illustrations and animals. Perfect!
I like that this is an encouraging book for kids filled with important themes such as friendship, acceptance, and determination.
my son would really enjoy this book. he is a big fan of penguins.
I love that it teachers about character and about how we all have strengths and weaknesses
This looks like a really cute story and one that my kids would love to read.
That looks like a super cute book. I know that my kids would really enjoy the story and pictures.
Sounds like a cute book that my niece would enjoy.
The book looks so cute and I know my kids would love it!
I would love to get this book for my grandsons. There seems to be a lot of good messages they would take from it.
These books are amazing. My daughters would love them.
It looks like a book my kids would enjoy.
such a sweet book. the kids will love it
We love reading books about friendship in our house! One of our favorites is Stick and Stone!
I love the story The Penguin and Moose by Hannah C. Hall,
It has a sweet moral of the story that young children can understand:
That a friend that supports and loves you no matter what is more important than flying. A good friend is rare!
Love the illustration of the book cover – grabbed my attention from the start. I look forward to reading this book to the littlest of our grandchildren and the older ones (almost 8) will enjoy reading it to themselves and others, too! If no one is available to read to they will set up stuffed animals and toys and read to them. ALways great!
My sons and daughter all love to read. My youngest son, Hudson, will be starting school in next fall. He is in a daycare now for the first time and learning about making friends. He would love to read this one. It looks super cute!
The cover of the book is so cute!
One of the best things you can have in life: a supportive friend!!
Looks like a really cute book.
This sounds like a cute story and I am mushy over those adorable illustrations.
Penguin and Moose sounds like an adorable read! I love kid’s books that incorporate animals and good lessons
I loveeee getting books like this for my granddaughter! We have a large collection of books but I always believe you can never have too many!
My niece is in Kindergarten, this would be a great book for her.
My grand children love a good book. We love to read to them and help them learn.
Penguin and Moose Giveaway: Flying Friendship Tale is the perfect addition to any home library, especially Grandma’s!
My cousin would love this!
I like how this book shows friendship and how to be a supportive friend.
It sounds like Penguin and Moose are a lot of fun to read about. I’d love to read this myself.
I like the cute illustrations for this book–the cartooning is excellent!
I really love the encouragement and support in this book.
I love the stories about friendship, even though there are differences. My 4 year old gets a lot out of them. We would really enjoy reading these together.
My niece LOVES reading! I would love to read this book with her. The illustrations look lovely!
Oh my gosh, this looks like the cutest kids book, and I love me a moose!
think my little niece would enjoy this for sure just starting to enjoy readin
think my little niece would enjoy this for sure
This book looks super cute. Love the illustrations
This book would go to my great niece Zadaya. She loves book and I try to get all kinds/types of books for her. This book would teach her about friends.
I love reading books with kids, and it’s always fun to have a new one. My goddaughter especially loves books with animals.