5 Lessons for Children from their Wardrobe with French Toast #FrenchToastcom
French Toast has all your clothing needs for this year and we’ll help you learn how to teach 5 lessons with their wardrobe!
Dress code strictly enforced! Well, bring on the uniform because there now is a better option for providing your child with a school requested uniform at an affordable price that not only coincides with the requirements set by the school but also meet that ‘cool’ factor requested by your school ager!
Starting at 2T, going all the way up to young adult sizes, French Toast offers a wide selection of clothing that can be worn for any dress occasion as well as for a uniformed school.
From personal experience, I know what it means to hunt down uniforms for a school ager. It is a NIGHTMARE!! The child doesn’t like it and it goes downhill from there! LOL
Kids want to express their individuality in school and that can be challenging when they attend a uniformed school. Let them shop online with you so they can feel they are participating in their clothing selection! Not only can it be difficult to find the right color or size, but price plays a huge factor in the challenge too.
French Toast has fantastic selections to meet any school color and dress code, cute selections that children will gladly show off to their classmates, quality material that will last through the year and YOU CANNOT BEAT THAT PRICE!
Unlike similar sites, the clothing from French Toast are cute enough to wear outside of a class room! Dress them up and take them out because now you can use the money you saved on clothing this year to have a family date you can afford! Can’t find that dress for church? No problem! Just throw on a French Toast outfit and you will be ready to go!!
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5 Lessons for Children from their Wardrobe!
(even school uniforms!)
Clothes do so much more than cover your skin!
Allowing your child to choose the outfit for the day does so much more for them than simply giving them what they want. It helps the child build self-esteem when the outfit they are sporting is something they picked out! A child will choose clothing that directly reflects their interests or feeling and allowing them to do so opens up more opportunities to learn about their individuality as well as creating building stones for a comfortable relationship between parent and adult.
- Being hesitant to let the child pick the outfit is normal and in most cases understandable, especially for those little ones! “No, you can’t wear those hot pink zebra striped pants with that dark brown cheetah printed shirt” LOL Been there! A good alternative to picking out the clothes for the child and avoiding fashion don’ts is to select a few outfits for the child to pick from. This way both child and parent win, the child gets the confident and prideful feeling of choosing their clothes on their own and mom’s can rest easy knowing her baby doesn’t look like the closet threw up on them.
Dressing yourself is a big thing, and it creates an opportunity to express themselves, however it does so much more than that. Choosing the outfit for the day introduces responsibility to children as well. Teaching the children what is appropriate for their body and what is not, as well as how to dress for the activity and weather.
- As children get older the responsibility of clothing can become a great building block for money management and organization. Set a clothing budget for your child, let them calculate the cost of the items they chose and teach them how to get the most out of their money! This will be a life skill he/she will carry on (as we all must) into adult hood. Teach the child to be more responsible with their clothing. Setting up laundry night and teaching them how to wash dry fold and put away their clothing will help them realize that there is more work involved with basic needs then the initially thought. Not only does this chore help them but it helps busy mom as well. In the long run, it encourages children to appreciate their parent’s efforts a little bit more.
As your child grows, teach them easier ways to get ready for school. Help them organize their clothing in ways to cut down dressing time, perhaps show them to have their clothes laid out for the next morning so there is no AM flurry rush of “I don’t know what to wear!” An organized dress routine will not only cut out am frustrations and tardiness, but it can also allow more time for teeth brushing, breakfast and family time before everyone parts ways for the day.
This is such a wonderful post you have here and I know for my grandchildren, as I did with my children , we allowed them on Thursday to dress up and pick out there own clothing . I think having that bit of independence really helps in trusting.