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Lotus Sustainables: Convenient. Strong. Reusable. Grocery Bags

Trolley Bags

Lotus Sustainables: Convenient. Strong. Reusable. Grocery Bags
Click the Photo if you love the Bag!

If you are like me, you have a ton of re-usable bags. They take up far too much room, even in the organizer ya bought to keep them organized. This  is one of the many things I’m loving about the Lotus Sustainables! After we’re done with them, they can easily be folded up so that they don’t take up much space. Seriously, it’s easy. If I can do it (and still make them look decent) then you can too!

While they do fold up into a reasonably easy compact set, they expand to carry so many groceries! I carried in all 4 of them, crammed full, quite easily. They are made to tuck under your arm, so that you can carry them easily and they are stitched super well to hold more weight- up to 50 lbs each! Admittedly, the bags were too heavy to carry in all four at once but the extra trip would have happened regardless as I wouldn’t have been able to carry that much weight in 15 different bags anyway.

The Trolley Bags come in two color sets and sizes. I reviewed the Original Colors, as I’m a color fanatic but the Earth Tones are pretty as well! I was going to write that the only complaint I could possibly drag up is that they don’t fit the carts at Aldi, but then I realized that they also have wide club cart trolley bags! Guess that eliminates that! I’m still glad that I have the not so wide bags though, as they can be unfolded and stood up in the larger carts, whereas I’d imagine they wider bags would be way too large for normal carts.

Produce Bags

This is not my comic, if anyone knows where it came from, please let me know so that I can credit the talent!

Lotus Sustainables also makes the best produce bags! No more fighting with those stupid little plastic bags! The bags are BPA-free and food safe. They have a drawstring to close them and weigh almost nothing. Definitely not enough to add to the weight/cost of your product.

They can also be used to sieve nut milk or to rinse/strain produce! You could use them to wash delicate items, keep track of baby’s socks (don’t we all hate the lost sock game!), store things or pack toiletries! Love that they are so versatile! Also, having cleaned out metal strainers far too many times, I’m excited to try out using them for straining, as tossing them in the washer will be so much easier!

All In the Wash

Lotus Sustainables: Convenient. Strong. Reusable. Grocery Bags

Don’t worry about getting them a little dirty, the bottoms have mesh (except the insulated bag, of course) to help resist molding and the cooler bag is easy to wipe out. Every now and then, the other bags, including the product bags, can be tossed in the wash after you pull out the poles. After they’ve been washed, hang them to dry and re-place the poles. If you’d like to make your own detergent, check out this DIY Laundry Detergent! I use it daily!

Family Owned, Charitable Business

We all know I am both an environmental fanatic and a lover of small businesses, so this one is a double win! Not only will the bags keep you from needing a ton of plastic bags over time, Lotus Sustainables are also a family owned business who donates to charity with each purchase!

They put a little card in with the bags that really made me giggle, but I’m not going to spoil that for you. You’ll have to order your own to see the card!


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Hi all! My name is Kaycee. I am now learning to navigate life as a single woman. Turns out, it's not all about husband and children. Who knew? So, I'm on a journey of self discovery. I have 5 children, 3 of which are married, 5 2 are in Heaven (my beautiful baby Acadia Reign and my Diva Princess Tara Elizabeth), and 7 grandchildren! Plus, a ton of fabulous nieces and nephews! My educational background is in Psychology and Child Development but my heart is in ministry, crafts, fun, reviews and my website, My Crafty Zoo. Or at least it was, now I'm learning who I really am, beneath all of the busy family life. It's an adventure to be sure. I look forward to continuing to share my life through word and pictures with you and love hearing your feedback! Thank you for taking the time to read and allowing me to share! I look forward to reading your comments!

66 thoughts on “Lotus Sustainables: Convenient. Strong. Reusable. Grocery Bags

  • This is so good. Always in favour of reusable and eco-friendly products. You do have a range of lovely household products that are useful towards eliminating plastic and paper. Great going and inspiring.

  • Julieh

    I really like how lightweight but durable the lotus trolley is. The colors are great too!

  • Philip Lawrence

    I think the system would make grocery shopping much more easy and organized. It would also eliminate the wasting of plastic bags.

  • With plastic bags (thankfully) being banned, I have been wanting to win a set of these! Thanks and God bless!

  • Breanne

    These look so convenient!

  • I like that their Lotus Produce Bags are BPA-free and food-safe.

  • Christina Silva

    Wow! These look so convenient to use. Easy to clean and different sizes.

  • Cheryl B

    I love the variety with colors and uses. An additional plus is how convenient and easy to use they are.

  • Jill Rivera

    What a great concept! one trip for the car to house.

  • I love that they have produce bags too!

    • I do too! The produce bags are super versatile as well! We’re about to try straining food with them! The site says they can be used for them, so I’m super hoping they can replace the metal and plastic strainer!

  • Laurie Nykaza

    I would love to use the Lotus Trolley bags when i shop. They would help things stay organized and my son only eats gf food he has Celiacs disease . I can’t put bread near his food so this way you would keep them separated too.

    • They would be perfect for you then! The only challenge I’m facing is unpacking the groceries fast enough to put them on the conveyor belt before they need the bags to replace them! There has to be a trick, I just haven’t found it yet, thinking maybe next time I’ll put the groceries in the cart, then stick them in the bags when I check out. You could put only your son’s in one of the bags, then they wouldn’t touch anything!

  • Jeanna Massman

    Lotus provides sustainable bags with the goal of using less plastic.

    • I am fairly certain these will last for a long time! I’ll definitely not be needing to replace them for quite some time!

  • I just love the dividers for the shopping cart. What a great idea!

    • Me too! I didn’t notice them at first, or fully get what they were for, but once I did they were even more awesome!

  • Carey Cole

    I loved their range of products! The large bags seem really helpful to be able to sort your groceries before you even get home and I love how they hang. The produce bags really caught my eye too.

    • They are fantastic! They hold SO much and the produce bags are super multi-purpose!

  • I would love to help Lotus on their mission to eliminate plastic from shopping.

    • I think we should all join that mission! If I could figure out how to completely eliminate trash in my house, I would totally do it! As is, we only have to have our trash picked up about once a month, even though it runs weekly. We recycle a LOT!

  • Laura Rubenstein

    This is really cool. I especially love the pocket for my wine haha

  • Robin Abrams

    I love how these can replace the plastic bag use. I love how they fit on the cart

    • It’s fantastic that they don’t take up so much room! I put mine with a towel over them for my Great Dane to use as a pillow when we travel!

  • Special pockets for eggs and wine and an insulated cooler bag make the Lotus Trolley Bag is the easiest, fastest, and greenest way to shop! Plus, removable rods for non-cart outings and more features!

  • Excellent bags. I am so tired fo the flimsy ones that we have in each car. These look really sturdy and I love the fact that they are color coded. Thank you for sharing these with us. Thanks for sharing and for co-hosting at #omhgww. Have a great week.

    • I am too! Plus, the flimsy ones end up all over the place and can’t hold as much! It was my pleasure to co-host! Love #OMHGWW weekly linkies!

  • Ken Ohl

    The facts and figures really tells a story

  • BookLady

    The Lotus trolley bag is a wonderful way to eliminate plastic. I love the special pockets for different products, especially the cooler bag.

    • Me too! They really are great! I also love that they don’t take up so much space in my car!

  • crystal mccord

    Wow! I had no idea the average family goes through 1,500 plastic bags per year. That’s pretty eye opening even if we are reusing them for other things in our home. They still end up at the landfill.

  • Peggy Johnson

    These look like they would be a great help and not be wasteful like plastic bags

  • Maureen

    Love love the fact that the wide Lotus bag fits inside a warehouse cart. That would cut down on the needs for a box when going to the warehouse club.

  • Heather Kaufman

    I like that these fit in the cart & keep items seperated.

  • Tina Alexander

    Our local stores only carry plastic bags. Therefore, you have to use your own totes if the plastic bags are not desired.And if I have quite a lot of groceries, that’s many more totes needed.

  • Laurie Nykaza

    Lotus Trolley Bags are what i need to do my shopping. Large Insulated Bags are great for your cold items too.100% Love It Guarantee – Love it or send it back for a full refund which is great even though im sure i wouldnt send them back.

  • Mary West

    These are would be awesome when shopping at Aldi! Plus they store flat so they aren’t taking up a bunch of room in the trunk!

  • Darlene Carbajal

    I like the Lotus Produce Bags – 100% Cotton. This will be so great to have!

  • Melissa Storms

    These bags look perfect. I live in NY and plastic bags are banned, though I have used cloth bags for a long time now. I don’t have produce bags though and Lotus seems to have totally gotten them right.

  • Ashley Turicik

    Wow, so many cool bags. These would definitely come in handy on my shopping trips

  • We love eco friendly products! These sound awesome!

  • Nice can save 15% off when signing-up.

  • Michelle H.

    The trolley bag looks like it would really help to organize the cart.

  • Tammy Pereira

    I had never heard of this brand before, but I’m in love! What a great concept! I am on a mission to reduce all plastics used by my household and this would be great to use when shopping at the grocery store. I love the Lotus Trolley bag!

    • I’m on the same mission! I’m careful these days about what I order when we do get takeout because I don’t want even more plastic or *ugh* styrofoam.

  • Brandi Dawn

    These are amazing bags! I really like the natural look of the raw organic cotton produce bags.

  • athena graeme

    I really like reusable bags, they are so much sturdier. These ones come in gorgeous colors too.

  • Debbi Wellenstein

    I love these bags! I haven been wanting a set for a long time.

    • They are really great, I’ve come up with no complaints thus far and I typically always find at least one!

  • Pauline Milner

    I really like that they pledge 1 % annual sales to companies that are working to improve our environment. The message needs to continue to get out about the damage that plastic bags alone are doing to our environment. These bags are an awesome invention and so much more convenient than plastic bags. Thank you for the super giveaway opportunity.

  • Lisa Babs

    I love Lotus’s commitment to sustainability even in their packaging methods. Their trolly carts seem super helpful while grocery shopping.

  • Carolyn Daley

    I shop at Aldi’s and I always carry reusable totes in my car. The Lotus Trolley bag is awesome. It makes it quick and efficient to pack your groceries. I love that it has a special pouch specifically for eggs and an insulted cooler bag for your frozen/chilled items. I could definitely utilize this when grocery shopping. Thanks for the chance!

    • It was absolutely fantastic to use! I love it so much! Was able to take out a ton of other bags that I keep in my car!

  • Judy Gregory

    These look great. They even appear to be wide enough to fit on the “go-carts” most stares provide.

    • I think they are, I’m not really certain. I do know the standard doesn’t fit the wide carts but they have a larger size that does. They are fantastic!

  • I love that there are different sized bags! Not just regular grocery cart bags, but bags for Sam’s Club or Aldi carts!

  • monique s

    I love these are eco friendly. A great way to help and be earth friendly. These also make getting the groceries into your car and then home super easy.

  • Kelly D

    These sound convenient. I like that they have special pockets for eggs and wine and an insulated cooler bag,

  • kelly tupick

    I love this! This is something i would keep in my car and use all the time for groceries!

  • Dorothy Boucher

    I love the variety of bags that they carry and that ordering is easy , Love all the colors they have.


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