BabyFirst TV is helping teaching essential language so baby can communicate with us long before baby can tell us just what they need.

BabyFirst is helping us communicate with babies as young as 6 months old! No more wondering why they are crying, they can actually TELL us!
Communication is the key to all relationships. Without communication, no telling where we would be. We communicate with our words, body language, and so many other non-verbal ways I can’t even begin to name them.
As infants, however, communication is limited. They have a while before they are able to learn to verbally communicate much more than a few simple words. Every new Mommy and Daddy competes to get their little Monkey to call for them first. After that, words come slowly developing syllable by syllable.
I Can Sign
ESL for babies is an amazing way to help your Monkey learn to express his/her needs without you having to play the guessing game.
I Can Sign will teach you how to sign many basic words so that you can teach your baby to communicate.
Little ones will learn nearly anything we try to teach them at this age with little effort and the more they learn now, the easier it is for them to learn later! I’ve read that children who learn multiple languages as they are developing their vocabulary have an easier time to learn other languages as they get older.

I’m certain the benefits of ESL would probably be similar. It would definitely help them in developing their fine motor skills for sure!
I always think of babies as little sponges. They’ll soak up anything one is dedicated to teaching them, and some things we thought they didn’t notice! Why not dedicate yourself to teaching them something useful? They’ll be able to learn signs like milk or water so that you know exactly what they are wanting, without the crying and guessing games.
This little BabyFirst DVD is amazing at teaching us dummies… uhh… I mean… grown ups how to sign enough to teach our babies! The little ones will probably pick it up much easier than us, but then they are little sponges.
*Now I’m wondering what that makes us???*
According to
livestrong, Joseph Garcia noticed in the 70’s that children of deaf parents were able to speak sooner than children of hearing parents due in part to their learning to communicate through signing at such an early age.
The article goes on to say that children can begin learning to sign at 7-8 months! Imagine your little one being able to clearly communicate their desires at that age!
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.
I started doing sign language myself when I was home in Jamaica and would love to teach my children. Thank you for reviewing this and I will go look into it now
That’s awesome! You should check out the website, you may not even need the video since you already know sign language!!! Would love to hear about what it’s like to live in Jamaica!
This sounds wonderful! I’ve done sign language with some kids I’ve babysat before and watch Signing Time on PBS with my cousins!
Would love to teach our son! We want him to be fluent in multiple languages, especially signing!
Brittany S
What a great idea. This would make a great baby gift wilcarvic
What a great idea! A really great way to communicate with your child.
I love learning new signs to teach my twins it makes communicating so much easier!!!
This looks like a great product. We did basic signs with my son as a baby but now we have another on the way and would love to do so much more.
My son knows some signs but it would be great to teach him more signs
A MOPS mom I know swears by signing with her little ones. This sounds like a great way to test it out at our house!
Great review! I haven’t thought about teaching sign language to a baby.
I think this would be a great DVD to have.
Signing is a great tool and bonding mechanism for baby. Can’t wait to try to learn more.
I would love to learn signing. I would love to have something to recommend to other parents that I work with as well.
I am going to try this with the new baby! Really cool!
Oh wow that’s really cool. I think I will try this!
I really wanted to teach my daughter to sign when she was a baby, but was so overwhelmed with being a first time mom that I wasn’t as persistent with it as I planned to be. I really hope to be more successful with her baby brother/sister!
this is great! its going to help me communicate with my son
Would love to learn how to sign with babies and toddlers! So important as they are beginning to communicate and understand. Learning to sign would be so helpful in my job in child care!
we started signing with my son at birth and by a year old he had 5 or so down, and by 15 months about 20 signs!
i would love to have this dvd. My daughter is at a great age to start learning and Im trying a few signs with her but having a dvd to watch will make it even better.
I have been wanting to learn to sign with my daughter. I would love to win this to learn how
I lOVE baby sign – would love to learn along with my son and husband!!!
my daughter in law did sign language when my grandson was small…it made it easier for them to know what he wanted/needed….less frustration for the little ones
I think this would be a great dvd for children of all ages
its so important to be able to communicate
THis video looks fantastic! I have seen the sign language dvd by baby Einstein and i like that one too. I think teaching your baby sign language is such a cool idea
Signing is such a neat tool i hope to use it with my kids when i finally get around to having some haha
We love signing… my littlest brother has Down syndrome and watched signing videos over and over again in the hospital when he was undergoing treatment for leukemia. It made a big difference for him. At the time of his diagnosis, he had over 64 signs he used… it did drop during the first couple months of chemo, but he’s picked up tons more signs and uses them to help communicate when we can’t understand what he’s saying.
My son knows the sign for more, and it would be great if he was able to communicate with signs.
My step daughter needs this for her baby. Great review. thanks!
I need to get this. I have a book but a visual would be better.