Lately, life has been throwing all kinds of curveballs at me. I can’t begin to explain how insanely stressed out I’ve been, plus I would rather not focus on those things anyway. I’m praying and trying to keep my focus on God. I don’t know what else to do. I don’t think there is anything else I can do.
In light of that, I decided to post this blessings can. I made it as a door prize for a Walking Green Women’s Ministry event we had not too long ago. I wish now I had made one for myself too! However, since I didn’t, I figure the reminder would be the same if I posted it for you. Perhaps it will be a blessing to you and yours.
The concept is that you write down your blessings on slips of paper then put them in the can. When things get going rough, you can open the can up and have reminders of your blessings. God is an amazing God, and He will bring us victoriously through our trials. (Check out the book of James!) Without further ado, here goes:
I looked up scripture and quotes about being blessed and wrote them on slips of paper, putting them in the can before I sealed it. I figure they would be a pleasant addition and reminder.
I decorated the can with scrap paper and printed instructions and a poem entitled ‘I Asked God’ then adhered them to each side of the can.
I couldn’t find the correct lid, so I used one that was the same size and glued it with rubber cement. It was really messy, but it worked well!
I used Chief Zoo Keeper’s dremmel to put a hole in the top of the can, then used the postcard from the event to cover it. I pushed the paper into the hole to help keep it from having sharp edges.
Here is the table that held my projects. It was all ways to re-purpose, re-use jars, cans and such. In case you are wondering, the jar in the center is Ted’s home. He is our frog.
Other Posts that Re-use and Re-purpose stuff:

What a perfect idea for November/Thanksgiving or really any time of the year! Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays!
Great idea! I’m going to do this for the month of November with my family! You’re being featured on my linkup today so feel free to grab a ‘featured button’ :).
What a wonderful idea. This would be a great project for my kids as well as us parents. Thanks for the inspiration to feel blessed through everything. I found you through scrappy gifts.
Blessings, Lisa