Everything Mama Needs, Just Add Baby!
Everything Mama Needs!?! When I was pregnant I wanted to know all of the best things for our baby. Tips, tricks, what worked and what didn’t. Caring for a child was easy for me, my experience and educational background had that covered. Products and emotional stuff, those were the challenge!
Years later, I realize we all go through that. We want to know everything mom needs, might need and all the secret tips we can find! So, here it is. Probably not starting out as a definite answer to every question as to what exactly it is, but I know with our fabulous community it will grow into just that with time!
Get Registered!
That’s the first step. Everywhere you can, register! Go to our Baby Registry Gift Guide for a list of registries and their advantages. Due to regional issue there are, of course, no local registries. You’ll find all of my favorite baby things as well as some DIY and crafts!
A Beginning List of Everything Mama Needs!
To be honest, the beginning list is really that Registry Gift Guide Above. Nothing on that list paid to be there, they had to earn it with fantastic products, I have repeatedly proven in my life and on this blog that I will lie for no one, including a sponsor’s money! Still, that list is what I needed, wanted and loved having. As far as physical items, that’s where to go for everything Mama needs.
A Manual!
We’ve all heard the jokes and comments about why don’t children come with manuals? Well, as it turns out there sort of are manuals out there. Of course, there are the What to Expect series, and I love that most pre-natal doctors give those out these days! Those are super educational and definitely a great resource but this next one is one every woman should have!
You Got This Mama is a new book by Liz Swenson that has all that stuff that we really need to know, full of tips and tricks that are rarely printed. Typically, this stuff we learn from other mothers along the way, too often after we could have really used it! This book is crammed full of mom-to-mom advice, illustrated quotes to amuse and get us through, funny info-graphics and, of course, those tips and tricks I was talking about. This is absolutely my new go-to book, both for my own use and to give as baby shower gifts!
Soon, it will also be added to the baby registry. At the moment though, I’m a little overwhelmed with life and my evil to do list!
Baby First Aid Training
For obvious reasons, this one is important. However, it is also important so that Mom can keep her sanity. Too often we freak out when we don’t need to. Having the training will ease those freak out moments because we’ll know just what to do. I’ve had the experience of a new mom that was too afraid to start feeding solids, not because of concern as to whether or not baby was ready, but instead due to the fact that she was terrified baby would choke. Having that training would help to ease that fear and any similar fears. Knowledge is always power!
Great Mom Secret…. Ready????
This one is one we all learn, but I’ll give it to you hopefully early! It is absolutely, 100% okay to ask for help! Even if it’s just so you can take a nap, go for a cup of coffee or take a shower. There is nothing wrong with that. We all need help sometimes and that’s absolutely acceptable! It does not make you a bad mom or any other negative thing that pops in one’s head! I highly recommend checking out the post 5 Reasons Bad Thoughts & Mistakes Don’t Make You a Bad Mom.
If you, or a mommy you know, is experiencing sadness, depression or harmful thoughts, please contact a doctor. Post-partum depression doesn’t always start immediately and is normal. That doesn’t mean don’t get help, it means don’t feel bad about getting help! You’ll be glad you did, things will get better.
some great advice i got from ea of my parents was from dad: have more than one child or u gotta be the playfriend most of the day lol too funny. n from mom: take nap when possible when baby does or else risk not getting enough sleep with them getting up odd hours.
Both are excellent pieces of advice! To your Dad’s, I’ll add have more than one child otherwise the one other child will be sick of being the playmate. (Or maybe that’s just because my brother and I are 7 years apart! haha).
My daughter is pregnant with my 5th grandbaby and I just can not wait. Being a grandparent is so much better than being a parent, you get all the love from the child and none of the hassle…..lol
Aww! That is awesome! Congratulations! What fun it is, getting to love on them and send em home!
I am not a mom so I cannot say first hand. However, I love my mom and grandma and have learned from them.
I learned a ton from mine as well. I share it with everyone I can!
I’ve learned that my kids and grandkids can teach me more than I teach them sometimes.
Girl! Ain’t that the truth! Seems like we get jaded through life and forget so many things we should have held on to!
Even though I’m not a mother or father I’m an uncle and I have learned that patience and also must stop and listen and than give your objections or your concerns seem to work out well.
Uncles are the best for sure! My uncle has always meant so much to me, I can go to him whenever I need him or even just for ‘nothing’ and it’s wonderful! Great advice! Thank you for sharing!
I love being a mommy, it is definitely one of the most rewarding experiences of my life! One lesson I have learned is that every child is different and develop at their own pace. I have also learned a lot of patience.
They most certainly do work at their own pace! Seems like a reminder we need, to take things one day at a time and keep trying! As for patience, I totally agree! They both teach it and test ya to make sure you got it!
My best advice is to enjoy the little things – the games, the talks and just the time together. Its so precious.
That is definitely some great advice! Thank you for sharing!
Your give away is going to make some new mommy very happy. Thanks for sharing and for co-hosting @omhgww.
I hope so! There are definitely a ton of great things!
I knew it would be hard, but it’s a lot harder than I thought it would be. I am always so busy!
Oh, Momma! It often feels like it will never slow down, but it will and you’ll miss these times when it does! If I were to give any advice on this topic, it would be to remember that not everything is as important as it seems and to eliminate what you can so that you can truly enjoy everything else! Good luck!