Fitglam: Getting Rid of Belly Fat #WaistTrimmer!
These last few months I’ve been on a fitness track. I want to be thinner, healthier and, most of all, to feel better. So, I’ve been doing some research. If you have stomach fat like me, then your belly is probably your worst enemy. Mine is. I have back issues, so crunches aren’t an option.
I was pleased to find that crunches and sit-ups, while they will build ab muscle, they don’t actually get rid of fat! For all those terrible exercises I just saved you (after, of course, you do your own research about it), you are welcome! That’s just awesome. The problem is, knowing what doesn’t get rid of it doesn’t help us to get rid of it!
So far, I’ve found that the best workouts to get rid of belly fat are walking briskly, jogging, swimming, aerobics and bicycling. Also, any high-activity sports, so long as you keep your heart rate in the ‘training zone’ for at least 20 minutes four times per week.
Personally, I have cataplexy which means there are times where I am literally unable to maintain use of my muscles, causing them to all go weak at once and me to hit the floor. If you have some sort of condition that prevents your ability to do vigorous high impact workouts, I’ve read that you can do yoga to help get rid of ‘visceral’ fat (that belly fat).
I’ll be starting yoga soon, as I want to continue my weight loss but I’ve been having issues with the muscle control (feel free to look up cataplexy on youtube, then you’ll have an idea) I have been unable to do any workouts.
We all know that sweating helps us burn calories, which I will admit was a ton easier when it was 102 outside! Now though, the temperature has started to cool and I have to work harder to get that sweat.
I tried out the FitGlam Waist Trimmer and really love it! The only thing I don’t like is that it doesn’t come in plus sizes. Fortunately, I’ve lost enough that I could squeeze into one!
The Waist Trimmer really does two things, it helps you maintain your posture similar to the way a back brace does and it helps you to sweat more, therefore burn more calories! While it’s not a comfort device, it isn’t terribly uncomfortable. Once you get use to having it on you begin to forget about it. It also helps to keep the fat still during workouts. I know that’s sounds gross, but don’t judge me when you know exactly what I’m talking about! LOL
According to, these five poses will help us get rid of that fat!
- Cobra Pose
- Bow Pose
- Boat Pose
- Plank
- Wind Relieving Pose