Fundraising & Custom Tees with #TeeSpring
The overhead on raising money can often be extremely high, renting a place to hold the fundraiser, purchasing things for concessions, etc. Even to do cookbooks, there is a pretty steep price tag and therefore profits go down. T-shirts are extremely popular, but how do you know how many to order and if you order too many, you end up losing even more money PLUS you have old Tees sitting around. Not cool!
Teespring is a company that can help us out with raising funds! With no overhead cost, you can raise funds for your cause. When checking out the site, I was able to see some pages to some past campaigns. One was from a little girl raising money to go on a global choir tour. She set her goal at selling 36 and was able to sell 49. Another was a family raising money to adopt. Their goal was 50 and they were able to sell 144 shirts to raise money for an adoption! Out of pocket cost on both: NADA!!!
Here’s How it Works
1. Design Your Product
You may choose your color from various shirts, hoodies or tank tops. After you choose your product, you use the easy editing tool to add words or even add your own image. It even tells you the base cost of each item so you can modify changes if you’d like.
2. Set Your Goal
Next you set your goal and the price of your product. The tool will allow you to see how much the base cost is and what your profit will be when you meet your goal.
3. Write Your Description
Now you’ve got to the last part of work, aside from promoting your fundraiser of course! You write a description of your product, give it a title, set the length of sales (up to 23 days), choose your URL, and set your shipping option.
That’s it!!! Not much work for the fundraiser AND you get to reap the rewards. If you don’t meet your goal, then no one will be charged and you aren’t out anything! Pretty sweet deal. I can’t even say that enough! A fundraiser with NO OVERHEAD!!! Yes, please! If you have the products delivered to one address and then distribute them, you even get free shipping (inside the US, not sure on outside)!!! Again, awesome! Not that much work if you simply set a time and place for them to be picked up! You’ll just have to do a little bit of work, but still way less than you would otherwise!
Quit procrastinating and get started making some cash today!
Find ‘Em Here
[amazon_link asins=’B01GNE7RJS,B00ND5XTA2,B071LQPG55′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’myc084-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’08888650-3072-11e8-bebb-496b75f0b57b’]
*This is an original sponsored post, I was compensated to write it. However, I will only write for companies I think are of value and worthy of your time and effort. I will not write any positive posts if I feel otherwise, regardless of compensation. I will maintain my values on my site, and those values prohibit me from lying or misrepresenting. Feel free to contact me if you feel I have made a mistake or have a relevant concern. Thanks for checking out Crafty Zoo with Monkeys! Hope you’ll come back again and again!
This is a great idea for family reunion tees.?