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How to Find More God Moments: Growing Closer & Encountering God Study Bible

God is everywhere but it seems sometimes I have a hard time finding those amazing moments with Him. I do love reading and studying His word, especially in varying formats! Check out how I find my God moments and my experience with the Encountering God Study Bible!

Growing closer to God is an ever pressing need for me always. I am very spiritual, meaning that I don’t particularly believe that religion is necessary to be in His presence or to be a Christian. I’m not saying it’s bad at all, it is always wonderful to gather with others who share the same belief. I am saying, though, that I feel closest to God when I am in nature, studying, praying, dancing, or even just sitting in silence and basking in His presence.

My beliefs, while they are definitely not main stream, are my own. Who knows, maybe I’m completely wrong but I’m doing my best most of the time. I fall way short, not just of the Glory of God (as the Bible says we all do) but of even what I think would be enough to be considered a passing grade. However, I continue on and pray that I will be better, grow more and be able to listed to His voice.

Various Bible Versions & Finding God

Part of my challenge with things about religion is that there are so many different beliefs that are supposed to stem from the very same book. In my head, it seems like they should all be the same since they are coming from the same book, however we all know everyone has a different perspective, and therefore there are tons of different religions and translations.

I have a love for research, I always have. I am an inquisitive person, I love to debate things (calling a spade a spade, I suppose I should have written argue but in fun not anger or meanness). Anyway, for that reason I love having multiple versions of Study Bibles and Bibles. It’s fabulous to help with understanding and to dig deeper into what God is speaking into me.

Encountering God Study Bible

The Encountering God Study Bible is a New King James Version Edition. You can read about those differences here, but it seems that the difference are really just changed synonyms for easier understanding. King James Version is my go to, I grew up on it but also I feel like the more we break it down into vernacular, the more of the meaning gets lost and I’m not a fan of that.

One thing I super love about the Encountering God Study Bible are the notes and references! I love being able to dive into things deeper, because the deeper I go the more connection I feel. Of course, that is also giving me a way to learn more. His Word is written on my heart and through deeper understanding, I can reach within more readily at any given time. It’s wonderful!

There are various types of notes: explanatory notes, encounter notes, historical encounters, character studies (love, love, LOVE those!), and word studies. All of these are excellent tools to dig deeper! I highly encourage you to dig, no matter what the subject is! God says to seek Him and we will find Him, so let’s do this!

One lucky winner will receive the Encountering God Study Bible!


Giveaway Ends May 11

We’d all love to hear how you find yourself closer to God, especially in those rough moments! Please share! I’d love to get a discussion going!


Hi all! My name is Kaycee. I am now learning to navigate life as a single woman. Turns out, it's not all about husband and children. Who knew? So, I'm on a journey of self discovery. I have 5 children, 3 of which are married, 5 2 are in Heaven (my beautiful baby Acadia Reign and my Diva Princess Tara Elizabeth), and 7 grandchildren! Plus, a ton of fabulous nieces and nephews! My educational background is in Psychology and Child Development but my heart is in ministry, crafts, fun, reviews and my website, My Crafty Zoo. Or at least it was, now I'm learning who I really am, beneath all of the busy family life. It's an adventure to be sure. I look forward to continuing to share my life through word and pictures with you and love hearing your feedback! Thank you for taking the time to read and allowing me to share! I look forward to reading your comments!

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