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Master American History: Wish Big Giveaway Hop

To master anything and it only take up a minute of each day kind of baffles and fascinates me. Master American History in 1 Minute a Day proposes that it does just that. While I’ve never really delved into learning methods, I have talked about personal growth a lot and learning definitely falls into that category!

My understanding is that if we do study something a little each day, it will begin to sink in and I suppose help us master it over time. Which is probably far easier than cramming for a semester, then forgetting everything by the time you get to finals!

Whether you just want to hone your knowledge, get super great at trivia or really need to get this down before you take your dreaded American History course, this definitely can’t hurt to try!

Master American History was put together by Dan Roberts, the voice of the  ‘A Moment in Time’ radio series and is a collaborative effort of the program. The introduction includes some facts that I agree with and sadden me. For our older readers, or perhaps the young ones that are studious, I think this is sort of one of those things we all realize.

It states that ‘the author and associates have learned several things while producing the radio program:

  1. People learn differently these days, instead of long study periods they get their information in 30 second bursts. On average, they no longer spend long periods studying, especially not for fun.
    • That seriously made me think of ‘facebook news’ and how many people believe the posts without ever exploring the links that are included, as well as the validity of said links.
  2. To make an impact, historians now have to go to where the masses are rather than have the masses come to then.
    • Admittedly, I am not as studious as I could be. I’m not sure if I ever was outside of whatever course I was taking. Despite that admission, it saddens me that this is the case so often now. We don’t look things up, we are sheep who believe whatever we see. Depending on political preference, Fox or MSNBC can absolutely convince the masses of things that are twisted or based in opinion but delivered as facts for this reason. It’s sad and we need that to stop! (My soapbox rant is over)
  3. Everyone responds to compelling and effective ways of teaching history.
  4. One of the most effective ways of teaching anything is by conveying it through a story. Recapturing the narrative tradition in an integral part of the work of public history.
    • In support of that statement, one thing I learned in college was in a Political Science course, taught by the late Dr. Brian Rader at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. He was teaching the types of government and how they go through cycle. He explained to us how the cycles work and was adamant about the type of government in this country would change in our lifetimes because history clearly showed that one form of government never lasted more than 300 years or so. I was terrified that the end was there when the big orange dummy (go ahead and google that, it makes me laugh) was trying to take hold of the White House and ignore our system of government. Clearly I can’t go and get Dr. Rader’s thoughts, but I would have loved to have been in his class while that insanity was going on. He was a great professor, though a little eccentric, very intelligent!

Book Synopsis:

Master American History in One Minute a DayBecome a US trivia whiz with this crash course through four centuries of change, rebellion, conflict, and triumph in the United States.Where was America’s lost colony? What tipped the balance in the Civil War? Were there second thoughts about dropping the atomic bomb? (Taken from Google Books)

For the Giveaway!

For my piece of the Wish Big Giveaway Hop, I give you the following giveaway with the wish that we, as a society, again put value on family, religion, intelligence, education and honest, hard work above the social media and regular media insanity! One lucky winner will get their very own copy of Master American History in 1 Minute a Day!


Can’t wait? Get yours here!

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.


Hi all! My name is Kaycee. I am now learning to navigate life as a single woman. Turns out, it's not all about husband and children. Who knew? So, I'm on a journey of self discovery. I have 5 children, 3 of which are married, 5 2 are in Heaven (my beautiful baby Acadia Reign and my Diva Princess Tara Elizabeth), and 7 grandchildren! Plus, a ton of fabulous nieces and nephews! My educational background is in Psychology and Child Development but my heart is in ministry, crafts, fun, reviews and my website, My Crafty Zoo. Or at least it was, now I'm learning who I really am, beneath all of the busy family life. It's an adventure to be sure. I look forward to continuing to share my life through word and pictures with you and love hearing your feedback! Thank you for taking the time to read and allowing me to share! I look forward to reading your comments!

28 thoughts on “Master American History: Wish Big Giveaway Hop

  • Pingback: OH MY HEARTSIE GIRLS WORDLESS WEDNESDAY - Clearissa Coward's Command Center

  • Annmarie Weeks

    This book looks very interesting, and I love the concept of learning a little something new every day. I firmly believe that every American should know the history of this country, and how we got where we are today. It’s the best way to solve problems we have today without repeating the mistakes of the past, and knowing where we want to go.

    • Absolutely! How sad it is that we so quickly forget the things that were so hard to learn in the first place! And these days, there’s no excuse. We carry the world of information everywhere we go, yet don’t care to learn. Sad.

  • cindy d legg

    i love learning about history i think this book looks interesting. i hope to get to read it sometime. i wonder what the grandkids will think of it. i bet they will love it!!


    Sounds like a fantastic read.

  • Sally Gearhart

    My girls could live at BAM permanently haha. My son would enjoy this book and I really need to brush up on some history. Plus i love trivia games so this could come in handy!

  • Lindsey

    This looks like a really great book. I’d love to learn more about American history.

    • Absolutely! I have been re-discovering my love for history through my tribal history. I’d never really delved into it before and am excited to learn new things all the time! Makes me miss college life!

  • Pingback: Wonderful Wednesday - Oh My Heartsie Girl

  • Pamela

    What a wonderful book – I love the idea of learning something new and important each day. My whole family would enjoy Master American History in 1 Minute a Day!

    • I absolutely admire that you said ‘my whole family’ would enjoy it. In my mind, I pictured family discussions over the lesson of the day.

  • Jeanna Massman

    I have shopped at this bookstore in the past. I enjoy their selection of books.

    • I agree! They do have a great selection! I love that you can even find autographed copies from time to time!


    Sounds like a fantastic book.

  • Leela

    They have a lot of books, for sure! It’s nice that they sell toys & games, too.

  • Patricia Crowley

    My nephew would love this book. He is so interested in history and fun facts!

    • Then this book is definitely for him! There is a 1 minute history lesson for every day of the year!

  • Nadine

    This book fascinates me as I would have used it in my classroom when wanting enrichment for the teens. In my private life I spend time flying as a private pilot, crocheting, knitting, weaving and, of course, being an avid reader.

    • It would be great for the classroom! I could see some educational games being centered around the book!

  • jennifer cervantes

    I love that it is so easy to use, it says it is 500 years of history that you can learn in a minute a day. This would be great for homeschooling and history buffs. I will also have to try to find the radio show it says it is based on!

    • Definitely agree! It’s based at a university in Virginia I do believe.

  • Nicole Krutz

    My son would love all the Pokemon products they have!

    • Books A Million has a little bit of everything for sure!

  • Ken Ohl

    I’m very much into History would love to check this out

  • Heidi

    BAM Books a Million looks like a great place to buy books if you are trying to stay away from Amazon. They had all the authors I usually by from at a good price.

    • For sure! I’ve pretty much decided I’m done with Amazon. Sick of their mess!

  • LisaBabs

    My husband is a history lover. In the course of conversations, he might mention a historic event. Although, that often ends with me just looking at him with a blank stare. I know some things about history that I learned in school but never read about it for fun. Dan Robert’s Master American History in 1 Minute a Day sounds perfect for me. I have a minute a day!

    • I’m in the same boat with my husband! Hoping the book will give me at least enough insight to carry on a convo with him from time to time haha.


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