PB Crave #Review

Ha! Now I’ve got ya! It’s too late, read on! LOL
Okay, so I’ll stop messin around… For a sec anyway… Peanut butter…. Mmmmmmm…. Second only to ice cream and chocolate…. Guess that makes it third…. Don’t judge me! LOL. So, we got to try 4 flavors of peanut butter. YUM! That’s what I have to say! What kind you ask? Well, check out the pic:
So, in case you can’t read the pic, We have Cookie Nookie… Yeah, I know, the name made ya giggle with delight, didn’t it! There is also Choco Choco, CoCo Bananas, and Razzle Dazzle. I have to admit, I love the names. So, my thoughts… That review thing, huh? LOL
First and foremost, they all had wild honey. Which is a great flavor, don’t get me wrong, but it makes them a little bit runnier than traditional peanut butter. This eliminated the possibility of my fave breakfast: peanut butter and graham crackers. It ran off the cracker. Made me kind of sad, really. LOL. They explain that this is due to the fact that it is all natural and the oils separate, so you just have to mix it up. It helped a lot, and the flavors became amazing!
Another awesome thing??? ALL NATURAL. Yep. I said it. Good stuff! 😀
Next, a warning. They all contain milk. Chief Zoo Keeper has a milk allergy so he couldn’t try any of them! 🙁 I have to tell you, if you don’t know: milk allergies stink! ESPECIALLY if they developed after you’ve had milk you’re whole life!
Cookie Nookie – really good flavor, though it’s not what you expect when you think cookie dough flavor
Choco Choco – okay, peanut butter with chocolate in it, already a favorite, right? This one is really good. They used dark chocolate and sweet chocolate.
CoCo Bananas – pretty good, the banana flavor comes out kind of strong, but it’s my third favorite! 😀
Razzle Dazzle – I have to admit, I’m not a huge rasberry fan. As evidence, the bad spelling of before… Leaving for swagbucks search to look it up…. who knew there was a ‘p’ in raspberry???? (If you did, just be the quiet one in the back of the room smarty pants! LOL) Anyway, it also has white and dark chocolate mixed in. 😀
What’s your favorite way to eat peanut butter?????
*Per the powers that be, I was given the flavors pictured to try in hopes that I would give a review here at the Zoo. I did not receive any monetary compensation. Please see the PR tab for the full, legal mumbo jumbo description. My opinions, as crazy as they can get, are always my own.
twitted this today, 02/12
twitted this today, 01/12
twitted this today, 22/11
Razzle Dazzle on toast!
I requested to be friends with PB Crave on FB (Carolsue Anderson)
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I like PB Crave on Facebook. I would go for the Cocoa Bananas and I like to eat Peanut Butter with a SPOON!
Coco Bananas YUMMM! I would eat this on a fluffernutter!
would love to try the choco choco on toast
The connection in the 1st question isn’t working so I chose from yours that you reviewed. I would get the Choco Choco because we love flavored Peanut Butter on toast but also as an icing on chocolate cak. It is really awesome.
[email protected]
I would love to try Cookie Nookie on toast!
Problems with rafflecopter tonight. I tweeted the PB Crave from that specific blog post and this is the tweet:
#Win 100 postcards from @printrunner @Craftyzoo today in this great #giveaway Get your Christmas cards early! http://craftyzoowithmonkeys.blogspot.com/2012/06/pb-crave-
The link is for PB Crave, but the lead-in info is about other stuff on your blog.
I’m trying.
The rafflecopter link to PB Crave is not working – get a 404 error. So for what it’s worth, I tried. I like to eat PB by slicing a peeled banana in half length-wise, spreading the PB on it, and creating a fruit/PB sandwich without the bread.
godleyv at [yahoo]dot[com]
I love it with carrot sticks and would like to try coco banana
I liked the page with the Facebook name Kiella Ferguson.
I’d like to try the Cookie Nookie the most, and my favorite way to eat peanut butter is either straight out of the jar, or in fudge. Can’t get enough of peanut butter fudge.
Razzle Dazzle on celery
I like to warm it in the microwave and pour it over chocolate ice cream.
[email protected]
PB on bread, would love to try nookie cookie
[email protected]
i’d like to try the razzle dazzle heated in the microwave til “melted” and poured over chocolate ice cream
I love peanut butter ANY way. On apples, on celery, on toast, in yogurt, straight out of the jar…YUM. razzle dazzle sounds the best to me though!
Usually on a sandwich..but once in a while I’ll live dangerously and put it on waffles or graham crackers.
I would like to try the Choco Choco
i like a peanut butter and banana sandwich
Oh – I love cookie dough – so my fav is Cookie Nookie – and I love to just eat it with a spoon!
I like peanut butter on a sandwich with fluff (marshmallow cream). I’d LOVE to try the choco choco.
i would like to make peanut butter balls with the choco choco!
[email protected]
I like peanut butter on whole wheat english muffins straight out of the toaster. Mmmmm, they would be amazing with the coco banana!
I love to dip apples in peanut butter I think the flavor that would be best for this is White Chocolate Raspberry this would be a very deep flavor combination
i love in on a sanwich and would like the choco bananas
I like the PB Crave facebook page.
I’d like to try the CoCo Bananas. I like to eat peanut butter on toast.
I would put the Choco Choco on a cut up apple or on a piece of toast.
Hey Zoo!
Is your PB giveaway open to Canadians?
Visiting from “Hop Along Friday” .
I follow you via BlogLovin (JourneysofTheZoo).
Regards, Sarah
Zookeeper at Journeysof TheZoo
journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com