They Lead: The Wolf Pack –>Blog Hop Giveaway Ends 11/30/23
They Lead: The Wolf Pack is written by June Smalls and illustrated by Yumi Shimokawara. It is a fantastic book to teach children a little about wolves and is both easy to read and fun to look at. It definitely gives a new insight into these beautiful creatures.
They Lead is really great for younger children who are interested in animals, most especially wolves! I love the way the author wrote the book for both younger ones and for our readers. There are larger print words in simple sentences on each page, but there are also smaller print words that are a little more in depth describing the wolf and their behavior mentioned in the larger text.
I think this book would be great starting as young as four years old, depending on maturity of course, all the way up to 2nd or 3rd grade. My grandson enjoyed it at the age of seven, but even his little brother enjoyed it as long as it was read to him (at four).
As a child, I dearly loved animals and that hasn’t changed at all. In fact, I often think I love animals far more than I love being around people. Everything they do is for a reason, even if we don’t immediately realize that reason. People, however, are a lot more complex and often have a tendency to react in ways that seem to come out of nowhere. I’ve never seen an animal suddenly become a different personality; people, however, can choose to put a mask on. I think this is one of the many reasons I love them so much, if they do something, you can be there is a real reason for what they’ve done. Guess I got a little off topic there. Ha.
A Little More About Wolves
Wolves lead as teams, with the breeding pair being the leaders of the pack. They Lead: The Wolf Pack teaches all about their pack, their habits, play, ‘family unit’ and challenges. All in a book simple enough for children to stay interested in. I’ve always loved wolves, personally, and my love grows every time I learn something new. While wild wolves are definitely not pets, they are majestic animals that deserve to be respected.
One of our Clans in the Cherokee tribe is called the Wolf Clan, or The Aniwaya (Cherokee syllabary: ᎠᏂᏩᏯ), and from this clan comes many War Chiefs. The clan is named after the wolf as the people, much like the most beloved trait of the animals, are protectors.
Grey and Red Wolves are indigenous to the United States. Unfortunately, by the 1960’s the wolf population had been killed out significantly. (Information obtained from Gray Wolf Conservation) Wolves are now protected, but the modernization and constant killing of them and their habitats is not helping them out. These days, they migrate from Canada and are, for the most part, seen in the northern states during winter months.
Other Non-Fiction Children’s Books I recommend:
Last year, I reviewed She Leads: The Elephant Matriarch and truly enjoyed that one as well. In a similar fashion to They Lead, She Leads gave me a new appreciation for animals that I already dearly loved.
Of course, you can see our entire list of Non-Fiction Children’s Books by clicking that link! (It goes to our site) I love encouraging children to read, it’s a whole new world that seems to be dismissed too often these days.
We will be giving away a copy of They Lead: The Wolf Pack to one lucky winner. Our winner must be 18 or older and must reside in the US, or on a US military base (APO/AFO). You may enter as often as you like, all entries will be verified.
After you’ve entered, please be sure and check out the other fantastic giveaways in this awesome Giveaway Hop! Shout out and hug thank you to The Mommy Island and The Kids Did It for putting together this fantastic event!
Visit each blog for a chance to win a fabulous prize and be sure to come back daily for bonus entries.
Happy Holidays!