Admit it, You’re Crazy!

I will give you the book description, then my thoughts, then I will give you the author’s bio…
Admit it, You’re Crazy!
Book Description
Admit It, You’re Crazy!Quirks, Idiosyncrasies, and Irrational Behavior
by Judy Reiserhttp://www.judyreiser.comOutrageous, outlandish and downright ridiculous eccentricities exhibited (and confessed to) by otherwise normal people. From hilarious bathroom behavior to funny money and unconventional clothing habits to eating and sleeping peculiarities to germ-a-phobia and more. Collected from real, live, actual human beings!
Publisher, print edition: Andrews McMeel Publishing
ISBN: 0740751093
List Price: $9.95Publisher, eBook edition: Katalin MediaISBN-13 ePub: 978-0-9707619-2-7ISBN-13 mobi: 978-0-9707619-4-1eBook Price: $3.99EXCERPT IN AARP BULLETIN Look inside book on
When I go to the bathroom I always count (1, 2, 3…) and try to end my peeing on an even number. I have absolutely no idea why I enumerate while I urinate.
SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER, FEMALE, 52Sometimes, I grocery shop by a letter of the alphabet and buy only items starting with that letter. I love a good C-shopping day: carrots, cauliflower, cat food, corn, coffee, chocolate chips, chops, chorizo. Occasionally I invite the kids across the street over for a P party: pizza, pineapple, pretzels, popsicles and punch.
WRITER, FEMALE, 57Before reading The New York Times every morning, I iron the outside of each section to sterilize it and protect myself from germs.
ARTIST/SCULPTOR, FEMALE, 93My socks have to be smiling when I put them in the drawer. When you roll up socks and flip one opening over the other, the little shape that’s formed at the end of the ball looks like a smile. It’s cheerful to open my drawer and see all the socks smiling!
My Thoughts
The book seriously made me laugh at times, others it made me go “wait, that’s not weird…” Then realize that perhaps I needed to admit my being crazy! To those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, 😛 this is not a confession! LOL I really enjoyed reading it, it’s a perfect bathroom reader, or even just something to keep on the table for discussion topics and random distractions! If you have a stressful job, where people annoy the heck out of you, you want to laugh at your spouse when their little quirks have seriously maxed out your tolerance limit, this book is for you! The topics vary, she has two other books if this one doesn’t sound like the one for you:
•And I Thought I Was Crazy! Quirks, Idiosyncrasies & Meshugaas
•In a Cell Phone Minute
Her books have received much media attention with reviews and excerpts in prestigious publications such as The New York Times Book Review, AARP Bulletin, Reader’s Digest, The Washington Post, Cosmopolitan and many others as well as speaking engagements and appearances on hundreds of national and international radio and television shows.
Judy began collecting quirks when she divulged something crazy she does (she doesn’t remember which one it was—there are so many) and her friend shared something he does. After having a good laugh about it, she soon discovered that everyone has quirks. She has been observing, gathering, marveling at and laughing about quirks ever since. Her husband insists that had she written the quirk books as an autobiography, they would have been much longer!
This is the ultimate in bathroom humor!!
This sounds like such a fun and interesting read! Just by reading the description I am already intrigued. Thank you so much for your review, I am going to get this book!
LOL! I think I would really enjoy this!
This sounds like a very entertaining read! I am really curious to find out what kind of behaviour people are confessing now! Thanks for the review- I’ll have to check it out!
Sounds like a good book to leave in the “library” for people to chuckle over.
I love the review on this book and will add it to my to read shelf.
This book sounds great, putting it on my wish list as I type this. I have four kids, I can do these things:) Fun Site, by the way. You call yours the zoo, I call my kids the minions:) Either way, it’s a crazy job, this mommy gig. Love reading how other mamas make it through.
I liked your review. It makes me want to read it and keep it for bathroom reads or as as an icebreaker. Maybe I am crazy too!
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Kortney @ Kortney’s Krazy Life!
Visiting you back from Alexa hop – 🙂
We all do funny things huh. I count when I run. Weird.
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This book looks so cool! I know I’d enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by Hardly a Housewife.