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Crafts & DIY

Easy and Engaging Crafts and Hobbies for Grown-ups

Easy and Engaging Crafts and Hobbies for Grown-ups @MyCraftyZooGrown-ups enjoy crafting and hobbies for many different reasons. Some do it to pass time, others enjoy making gifts for family and friends, and others just find it relaxing. There are even some who enjoy it so much that they open a store on Etsy and sell their crafts. Whatever your reason might be, here are some easy and engaging ideas.

Source: pixabay.com/photos/resin-diamond-round-painting-4411944/

Diamond Painting

Diamond painting is a new craft that is becoming very popular. It is a form of mosaic art where you take small resins that are sparkly and stick them on a canvas. There are many different designs to choose from, and it is a lot of fun. It is easy and engaging, and you don’t need any experience to get started.

You can stick the resins to the canvas, and you will have a beautiful creation when you finish. Painting with diamonds is not only fun, but it can also help reduce anxiety and increase your concentration. Many people are enjoying this craft because you can do it alone or share your project with friends or family. It is a great way to spend time together.

Source: www.pexels.com/photo/green-yarn-2767667/


You might think that you need to know how to knit to crochet, but this is not the case. You only need to use one hook and one active yarn loop. This craft is easy for any grown-up to learn. You need to make sure that you choose a hook that fits your yarn and pattern, and you need the right yarn for your project. You will also want a small pair of scissors.

Source: www.pexels.com/photo/blue-pencil-on-white-table-2543268/

Paint by Numbers

Paint by numbers is a lot of fun, and it gives you an opportunity to create something amazing. These kits come with everything you need. The canvas will be divided into small shapes, and each one will have a number. You match the color with the number on the canvas, and the end result is a finished painting. It is easy to do, and it is very rewarding in the end. The detailed work is good for your concentration and fine motor skills.

Source: pixabay.com/photos/embroidery-needlework-cross-stitch-942255/

Easy and Engaging Crafts and Hobbies for Grown-ups @Crafty_ZooCross Stitching

Cross-stitching is another easy craft that beginners can pick up quickly. It becomes quite addictive. You will follow a pattern just as with the diamond painting or paint by numbers, and you will use a needle and thread to sew little stitches on the fabric. The best way to start is to buy a kit. It will have everything you need, and you can get a hoop to hold the fabric and some scissors to cut your thread.

The first step is to learn how to do the stitch, and then you will be on your way. This is a fun and relaxing craft, and you don’t need any experience to enjoy it. There are many different patterns to choose from, and you can start with something very basic.

Author’s BIO: Lori Wade is a journalist from Louisville. She is currently engaged in news and conceptual articles on the arts & crafts industry. Hope you appreciate Lori’s useful insights!


Hi all! My name is Kaycee. I am now learning to navigate life as a single woman. Turns out, it's not all about husband and children. Who knew? So, I'm on a journey of self discovery. I have 5 children, 3 of which are married, 5 2 are in Heaven (my beautiful baby Acadia Reign and my Diva Princess Tara Elizabeth), and 7 grandchildren! Plus, a ton of fabulous nieces and nephews! My educational background is in Psychology and Child Development but my heart is in ministry, crafts, fun, reviews and my website, My Crafty Zoo. Or at least it was, now I'm learning who I really am, beneath all of the busy family life. It's an adventure to be sure. I look forward to continuing to share my life through word and pictures with you and love hearing your feedback! Thank you for taking the time to read and allowing me to share! I look forward to reading your comments!

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