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Finding Peace in Times of Tragedy + Giveaway Hop

Finding Peace in Times of Tragedy is a daunting task to say the least. It’s difficult and takes so much. I’ve written about how to help someone who has lost a child from my own experience with losing my baby, an entire series actually. From time to time I’ve written a thing or two about it, but I’ve never truly delved into it. My theory is that it has always been too difficult for me to do so.

The very first post in that series is What not to say to a Grieving Parent. That post is filled with things that were said to me and the thoughts that I had in reaction to them. Reading over it now, with the acceptance that I’ve developed, I recognize the extreme pain I was in. My responses were not what one might call ‘polite,’ perhaps raw would be a better description.

The pain I was in was so deep that it truly cannot be adequately expressed. Though it has now been over 5 years, I still think about her each and every day. I look at children that are the age she would be and wonder if they’d be friends, if whatever they are into is something that she would have been loving at the moment. One can’t help but do so.  Clearly, it has not stopped.

The only difference now is that I’ve found peace with what life is without her. I’m not okay with it, but I am okay. I accept that I cannot change it and pray daily for the serenity to accept it. Finding peace has not been an easy journey. Finding peace isn’t about being thrilled to wake up every day, for me. For me, having found peace means I don’t want to die. Not right this minute.

It also means that I’m okay, maybe not always thrilled or great, but okay. I am functioning and finding ways to bring some happiness in my life. There are things that I enjoy again and things that I am looking forward to. I can laugh and, after all these years, I can once again enjoy music. It all stopped when we lost our Acadia Reign. For me, the music stopped. With my peace, I’m able to enjoy things and life in general again.

For now, for me, that is enough.

Finding Peace in Times of Tragedy

Written by Christy Monson, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, this book presents the ‘keys to peace and joy when facing crisis.’

Book Description:

Finding peace in times of worldwide trauma is difficult, and finding peace in times of personal trauma such as a family death or tragedy can be overwhelming. Therapist Christy Monson professionally and compassionately describes how tragedy physically changes the brain and the body, and she provides powerful techniques to help heal those invisible wounds and cope with the turmoil of our day. Chapters are interspersed with moving, first-hand accounts that span the range of human tragedy, including those from A 9/11 survivor Parents who had two children die of brain tumors A mother whose son lost a leg in a road side bomb in Afghanistan A young adult whose father committed suicide And a rape survivor. Through detailed research, years of experience, and detailed interviews with survivors, Monson shows that there is hope for not just peace but also joy after tragedy.

Finding Peace Title + a Giveaway Hop!

I wish that I could give a copy of this book to each and every one of you who are suffering from any sort of trauma. Since I cannot, I will let the generator choose one winner. If this book sounds like it will be of help to you, please consider using my link below to order your copy. It helps me pay for this site when ads are clicked and things are purchased through them.

I wish you all success in your journey to finding peace.

Get it Here

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Hi all! My name is Kaycee. I am now learning to navigate life as a single woman. Turns out, it's not all about husband and children. Who knew? So, I'm on a journey of self discovery. I have 5 children, 3 of which are married, 5 2 are in Heaven (my beautiful baby Acadia Reign and my Diva Princess Tara Elizabeth), and 7 grandchildren! Plus, a ton of fabulous nieces and nephews! My educational background is in Psychology and Child Development but my heart is in ministry, crafts, fun, reviews and my website, My Crafty Zoo. Or at least it was, now I'm learning who I really am, beneath all of the busy family life. It's an adventure to be sure. I look forward to continuing to share my life through word and pictures with you and love hearing your feedback! Thank you for taking the time to read and allowing me to share! I look forward to reading your comments!

14 thoughts on “Finding Peace in Times of Tragedy + Giveaway Hop

  • Buddy Garrett

    Loss is always so devastating. I have found out that having a friend to offer cons places or just being there for you is a great help. However it is sometimes hard to know what to say when someone is hurting.

    • Very true. I think sometimes just not saying anything at all is the perfect thing.

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  • I have had some real tragedies in my life, but 2021 broke my heart 💔 In February, I lost my two brothers within days of each other!! Then in October, we found out my husband has liver cancer!! The author of this book really nailed it when she wrote; “tragedy physically changes the brain and the body”. I was and still are kind of destroyed physically and emotionally!! My faith in God has helped me a lot! I could still use a little more help! Thank you for sharing!!

    • Oh, Sue, that is a lot of loss in such a short time. I can completely relate. My losses were our baby, my mom, then my sister (losing her came with 3 more losses but not to death). It has most certainly changed me. I’m trying to find the ‘me’ again, which is why I’m always posting about peace, joy and such. Some days I have it, others not so much. I hope that your healing continues to help you grow into the person God wants you to be. Hugs, my friend.

  • This year I have had to find peace as I lost my mother. Being the oldest of many siblings I do not have either parent as a rock. (my father passed three yrs prior). Being able to express how that and other traumas are part of you is something that should be something helpful in life.

    • Hugs, my friend. I lost my mother 5 years ago. She was a single mom for the most part and I’m the oldest of her children. My dad and I haven’t been close since he got re-married. I think the worst feeling is the loneliness, feeling lost and without that rock to turn to. I hope that you find healing and peace. I’ve been on that journey for a long time, it comes sometimes.

      • Thank you for your thoughts. It is just a bit raw and new. Thank you again. 🙂

        • I understand, truly I do. I’m here if you need me and thinking of you either way. Sending prayers and love, my friend.


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