The New You #Divatress #beauty #ad
So to get this out the way, this is a sponsored post. Since my opinion is not for sale, all are my own! Enjoy.
Ever noticed how an actress can look so different in real life versus on screen that she is difficult to recognize? Even when it’s in the tabloids, we have to do a double take because the difference is so huge!
Granted, I’m sure they can easily tell and so can their personal friends and families but the average person can’t always tell. A good friend of mine is a celebrity nut for whatever reason and she can spot people like crazy! We both like to bicker, so I frequently argue with her but she is typically right but it is always entertaining to do anyway. That topic really made me start thinking about how I could alter my appearance for fun. I have to admit, sometimes I’m envious of that easy difference that my beautiful black friends and family members can make with wigs and weaves and what not. Many of them have made comments on my hair being so straight and ‘easy’ (it is, but I can do nothing with it).
For all of you black women out there, know this white chick is jealous of your hair. I absolutely love braids but dreads are not meant for white people hair, seriously not, and our braids must be taken out after a day or two to be able to wash or else we get this look that is just nasty. Our hair must be washed frequently to keep from looking disgusting, yours however is best when not constantly washed. If you want dreads and you aren’t black, get a wig, otherwise it’s just gross. Outside of your general group of friends, no one thinks that looks good. Unless you are that one chick, Bo Derrick, she pulled it off. Quite possibly due to the fact that she had a ton of professionals to make it happen. Some things are better left undone.
1. Get a New Look
I was totally amazed at how a different outfit can alter ones appearance. Especially if it’s not their typical style! It only takes a few key pieces of clothing to go from one style to a totally different one. You don’t have to go overboard shopping, hit up local thrift stores and find 2-3 key pieces for a look you don’t typically sport. The difference when put together with the other tips is astounding.

2. Accessorize
Accessories make a huge difference. Purses, jewelry, hats, wigs, hair pieces and others coordinated with that new look you are going for really pulls it together and completely alters the way we look. It can take us from one person to another simply and easily!
3. Step out of your comfort zone
It’s not always easy to try something new, especially something like a new look. Don’t let it stop you. If it helps, go into your mind and pretend you are playing a role like they do on stage. You are beautiful, no matter what’s on the outside so flaunt it!
4. Change your make-up style
I know I tend to use the same colors all the time and I put it on the same way every time. Youtube is full of new ways to expand your make-up regimen. Explore and experiment!
Finally, and this one can be the most drastic of all, change your hair! Play with wigs, hair styles, colors, the sky is the limit! There are even temporary colors now that make everything seem incredibly different!
By the way, if a wig is a way you want to go you should check out Divatress! They have a ton to choose from! There are so many that I just love! Definitely planning on using their site to change up my outward me soon. I think it will be a fun thing to play with.
Remember this:
However you change up your style, whether it’s little things or a total appearance change, always remember that you are beautiful, special and it’s the inside that counts. No amount of outside change could ever change what’s deep down on the inside. So step out, check yourself and enjoy life to the fullest!
These are all great ideas. I really need to give a few a try!
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