A very, very dear friend was having a rough patch and I felt like she needed a little pick me up. So, I made her a rough day kit. It turned out super adorable, but I forgot to take very many pics. Here are the ones I have. I attached a paper to it, folded into a scroll that told what each item was for. I modified them to fit our personalities a bit. I’m going to say, I was so pleased to see that it really did help make her feel better. As much as it meant to me that it made her smile, hearing her beautiful baby girl read it was probably the icing on the cake! It was adorable listening to her, and it made the words mean so much more!
I used cardboard letters and cut the bones and pup from Everyday Paper Dolls at 3”. The pup was cut on real dial size, but the bones were not.
All of the items were put in with glue dots or scotch tape (some things wouldn’t stick to the dots, like the eraser!). Also, the energy thing in the upper corner is a notepad I made, I’ll do a tutorial for that eventually. I sat it on top of the stuff in the box, as I wanted her to be able to use it.
In order to get the paw prints in the background of the page, I found some online and copied and pasted them to a document, changed them to a watermark and printed. Then I used the same sheet to add the Ruff Day Kit explanations on it. I did the font over the watermark in brown ink.
Here are the words I’ve got printed on the paper:
For when you have those
RRRRUFF days!!!
A Rubberband to help you be flexible and not to break, as God has it under control!
Romans 8:28
A Paper Clip to help you hold things together.
Piece of String to help you tie up loose ends.
A Penny to give you extra “cents” that everyone needs.
A screw, because you know yours are loose!!!
A Pin to pinpoint problems
Cotton Ball…for times when you can’t hear yourself think and to cushion the hard days
Eraser…so everyone can start each day with a clean slate: God forgives us, so we must forgive others!
Aspirin…for when all else fails…take two
A tissue: For drying tears
A toothpick: To “pick out” reminders of your blessings
Matthew 7:1
A flower: In the “garden of life” each friendship is
beautiful and unique. I’m so thankful for our new friendship!
Jewel – because you are as valuable as any precious stone!
Popcorn – Even if we haven’t talked yet today – you have already “popped” into my thoughts .
Notepad: a place to list your blessings!
Ephesians 1:3
Tea Bag: to remember to relax and go over that list of blessings! 1 Thessalonians 5:18
A Match – To light your fire when you’re feeling burned out
A Snowflake: To remind you that there is a season for all things!
Ecclesiastes 3
I’d love to say these were my own creations, but I’d be lying! SO, here is a
link to the wonderful site I found them at. I did modify some and add scripture. I didn’t type the scripture, as I wanted her to have the distraction and time with God to find them herself. I know we all need it!
Hope you enjoy! Here are some other projects that can be great pick me ups for someone you love!
The Ruff Day Kit was featured here:

Thanks for the post!
This is a fabulous idea. I have to start doing this for friends. Sometimes, they need a little something extra to make them feel better. Thanks bunches.
This is such a nice idea. I am sure it was appreciated!
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing at Taking A Timeout Thursday. Hope to see you again this week!
Love this!
Just to let you know that i’ve featured you on Serenity Saturday link party at http://www.serenityyou.blogspot.com
Natasha xx