Becker Decker Chicken Veggie Sandwich & Fresh Spinach Dressing

This yummy chicken sandwich recipe was provided by Fast Fixin’ Chicken! It’s super yummy and we hope you’ll love it! We’d love to hear your thoughts when you try it out! Always looking to make things a little better!
Becker Decker Chicken Veggie Sandwich
Whole Wheat Hoagie Roll (or whole wheat hotdog bun)- toasted
Fresh Spinach Dressing
Fast Fixin’ chicken nuggets
Variety of raw vegetables-
red/yellow/orange/green peppers- sliced
black olives- sliced
purple onion- sliced
tomato- sliced
lettuce or raw spinach – leaf or shredded
avocado- sliced
banana peppers (sweet or hot, as preferred)- sliced
cucumber- sliced
carrots- shredded
(Optional) Cheese – shredded or sliced (cheddar, mozzarella, colby, swiss, muenster, provolone- any
choice preferred)
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Place frozen chicken nuggets flat on baking sheet, approximately 3-4 nuggets per sandwich.
3. While oven is pre-heating, prepare spinach dressing (see recipe below).
4. Bake chicken nuggets 12-15 minutes, to bake nuggets evenly on both sides, turn nuggets over
halfway through baking time, return tray to oven and complete baking.
5. While chicken nuggets are baking, wash, slice and prepare variety selected vegetable toppings
for sandwich.
6. During last minute of baking, slice open hoagie roll and place on baking sheet to toast/warm.
7. Remove chicken nuggets and roll from oven. Spread 1-2 Tbsp of spinach dressing on warm
hoagie roll. Layer with chicken nuggets. If adding cheese, sprinkle over chicken nuggets to
melt the cheese. Layer remaining vegetable ingredients as desired, creating a garden chicken
sandwich with many colors, flavors, and textures.
8. For complete menu- serve sandwich along with ½ cup coleslaw (see recipe below), ½ cup
canned fruit or piece of fresh fruit, 1 cup skim or low fat milk. Nutritious and Delicious.
9. Enjoy!
Fresh Spinach Dressing
1 cup whipped cream cheese
½ -1 cup greek style, plain yogurt
2 cups fresh spinach
½ cup fresh basil
¼ cup fresh chives (or green onions)
Combine and mix all of the ingredients together in blender until creamy and smooth, well blended dressing.
Easily modify consistency by the amount of yogurt added. When more yogurt is added it makes the dressing thinner, less yogurt makes dressing thicker and easier to spread. Both ways are good for dipping, dressing, or spreading as preferred use.
Keep covered and refrigerated after use. It can be made prior to preparing sandwich to have readily available, which will save a few more minutes of meal preparation time, if needed. It can also be easily made while oven is preheating and chicken nuggets baking in oven.
This looks so yummy. I’ve never heard of spinach dressing before, and I love spinach. I will pin this recipe and hope to try it soon.