Freeze Ahead Breakfasts For School, Work, On the Go Days
Freeze ahead breakfasts have saved our mornings! I hate buying unhealthy junk to start our days so we’ve decided to make a variety of breakfasts that can be put in the microwave to start a healthy, successful day!
Are you ready for the weekend!!! I know I sure am!!! Monkey was so excited about school starting Monday that she was going nuts and she is trying to drive me nuts! So, tonight we are making some freeze ahead breakfasts that she can heat and eat before school.
We have made them in the past and they worked out well, except that we tend to do one at a time and burnout on them before they are gone. To remedy this issue, we are doing a variety. Smart thinking! So, here are Five Freeze Ahead Breakfasts you can make for the kids or adults to have before it’s off to the daily grind!!!
So, Weekend Agenda: Freeze Ahead Breakfasts Baby!!!
Then, all ya gotta do is stick em in the fridge the night before and you’ve got breakfast! Heat and eat the healthier way!!! This is exactly what they do at the gas stations we tend to grab a quick breakfast at so we may as well make our own freeze ahead breakfasts. We’ll save time, calories, and money while having things we love! It’s a win all around.
Freeze Ahead Breakfasts
5 Breakfasts to keep you on time for Work and School
These are great because you can put anything you want in them! You can even slip in some veggies and the kids will love them still!!! We grew up eating them as a treat on Saturdays but I’d eat them everyday!

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These are all great ideas for busy mornings. I really like the Gas Station Biscuits suggestion.