Are you a road trip fan? I absolutely love them! Especially with good company! This kit is something that has become a staple in my vehicle! Be sure and do one for yours!
DIY Road Trip Kit
We took a little vacation recently, it was great!!! We took a road trip to Branson, Missouri for four days. It was a great chance to relax and enjoy each other’s company without any outside stressors! A dear friend and her husband have a timeshare there, so we were able to have some great fellowship time with them. I’ll post more about that soon!
Typically, any trip for us is stressful. Chief doesn’t like being in the car long and worries about schedules and traffic. It’s very difficult for both Chief and I to let go of our daily life stresses, so we spend a lot of time in our own little world and it is inevitable that we will forget something and leave it behind! He is certainly NOT a road trip fan, but he is a good sport. Most of the time. haha
So, with that in mind, I decided to get super worried BEFORE the trip so I wouldn’t have to worry DURING the trip! Preparation was the key, ladies and gentleman! I went to the library and got five Lake Wobegon CD’s. If you’ve never listened to
Lake Wobegon, I highly recommend it! It’s stories told about a small town. Most are funny, remind you of the ‘good ole days’ and all of the stories remind you of what is really important in life and how blessed we truly are!
I got everything packed up the few days before and as I was trying to make sure we had all of the ‘little’ things necessary for the trip, I decided to make a Road Trip Kit. I put in all of the things that our family typically needs on a journey. I’ll put a list of ‘ingredients’ at the bottom of the post!
I took the biggest shoe box I could find and went to work! (As a side note, these are probably the best shoes I’ve ever had and I will be buying another pair when I finally get through destroying the ones I have! They really work your muscles and do wonders for your back and knees!)
***Author note: I desperately miss Sketcher’s Shape-Ups!***
I attempted to use as much ‘scrap’ scrapbook paper I had as well as the paper that I am really not a huge fan of, I figured the box wouldn’t survive too long! I used my
Cricut machine to cut out the letters, camper, and car. I had to do the camper, even though we don’t have one. My Great Grandparents use to go on caravans and travel all over. I loved their caravan as a child, still do! So, as a tribute to them, I added it to my box décor!
That would be my Tator Bug peeking over the box!!! He likes to be in the middle of things, so if I’m doing something, he lays up by it. He jumped up there right as I snapped the picture! Of course, it was too cute to do a different one!!!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled program…

Last but not least, I covered the whole box in
contact paper. It’s not an easy feat getting the contact paper to not try to come off at the edges, so I had to use some scotch tape for the corners to make it lay down, but you honestly can’t tell unless you are looking for it!
I used some boxes that would have otherwise been trashed to make ‘dividers’ for my things. Graham cracker boxes, tea boxes, etc. all work really well! I found two boxes that would fit, as I wanted as much dividing space as possible!
Next, I got out my mini baggies! Love those things!!! I put everything that needed to be seperated in different bags.

Road Trip Kit
Now, for my list o’ ingredients:
First Aide Baggies– band aides, triple antibiotic ointment, alcohol swabs, aspirins, tums, etc.,. Don’t buy a kit, it’s cheaper in the long run to make one, as once you buy all of the stuff, you will have enough to make a kit for your house and 2-3 vehicles! Depending, of course, how often it’s needed. Just remember that the medicine has to be in it’s bottle, lest for some reason you get pulled over. Don’t want to have to explain why you have little white pills (aspirin) in a baggie!
Ladies Products: Umm, yeah… Even if it’s not that time, it’s always good to have them just in case! You’d be amazed what can be done with a tampon in a pinch! (Perhaps I will post more of that later! LOL.
Road Trip Meal Enhancements: baggie with ketchup, salt, pepper, BBQ, toothpicks, peppermints, napkins, drink mixes, etc. Use sauces that aren’t going to ruin due to heat or cold. I use the packets that we get when we eat out. Remember, sauces get their own baggies! That way, if they bust everything else isn’t ruined!!!
Additional things I put in the box:
Extra Vehicle Cell Phone Charger
Nail Clippers
Rubber bands (you’d be amazed how handy these come in!)
Plastic Shopping Bags (for when the other trash bag gets full!)
Kleenex (there are typically coupons on this link)
EXTRA napkins!
Clorox bleach pen
**Anything Else your family needs at home frequently (i.e. my Monkey’s braces rubber bands)
[amazon_link asins=’B0080VJT4O,0843174986,B001MY20X8,B00XR36WVI’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’myc084-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’dc4ba90c-2e2a-11e8-99db-375577773aca’]
This is great idea! I need to have one in my car to just have when we need it.
This is awesome!! I need one of these in my car- especially the Clorox pen and stain pen! I never thought about keeping one in my car! That would have saved many a shirt from ketchup stains! Ha ha! Thanks so much for linking up to Strut Your Stuff last weekend! We would LOVE to have you come back and link up more of your great projects tomorrow!
Camille @
PS I am your newest follower! You have a fun blog!
Wow! What an awesome idea! I would love it if you would share this and/or any other projects you have been up to at Tuesday Talent Show at Chef In Training Tomorrow! Plus there is going to be a fun giveaway too! Thanks so much and I hope to see you there!
Great idea! It must save a load of time each time you are heading somewhere not to have to pack all the things on the list! 🙂
That’s a great idea! I never unpack our travel sized stuff from their bag because we travel so much! The only hard part is remembering to refill the stuff that has run out!